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©2022 KS Breastfeeding Coalition

The Business Case for Breastfeeding is a national initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and the HHS Office on Women’s Health. Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition is a partner in this national initiative

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Healthy Employees, Healthy Babies, Healthy Business

In 2022, the following federal bills were signed into law.

  • PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act – Expands the legal right to pumping breaks and private space to nearly 9 million more workers. Details

  • Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – Gives pregnant & postpartum workers a right to reasonable workplace accommodations, including lactation accommodations. Details. (EEOC Explainer)
    NEW FLSA Poster from U.S. DOL with "Pump At Work" requirements 

It makes good business sense. It's really not all that hard. And we can help you do it. Investing in nursing employee support services has proven to produce a 3 to 1 ROI through greater employee retention, increased productivity, lower health care costs and decreased sick days.
